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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  August 16, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> day long stand off for one of the bay area most wanted criminals is over tonight. police get their man wanted in a series of brazen armed robbery in redwood city. good evening. the s.w.a.t. team stand off was at third avenue and williams avenue all day long today and lillian kim is live in the neighborhood to take us to exactly what happened there. lillian? irngs dan this was a time consuming operation but in the end the sheriff's department got what they wanted which was a peaceful surrender. the man who investigators say went on a robbery spree in redwood city the past week is now in their custody. video from sky 7 hd show deputy taking 30-year-old miguel cab into the san mateo county jail soon after stand off at his home ended peacefully. >> he kept on promising he would come in and out a few mini. he never did. lasted for a good hour, hour and a half. eventually they convinced him to come out. >>reporter: theories actually been watching his home hours
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before they were able to talk with him using a bull horn. they say they had good reason to believe he was at the address after having received numerous tips from the public. surveillance video that captured the suspect during one of the robbery aired on bay area news stations. >> people identified the person what they saw in the video and then we took dmv photo and compared the information we had with the video and it was a perfect match. so we gnaw where he was residing. >>reporter: sheriff's department says the robbery spree began august 7. they say he targeted markets, gas station and restaurant. and in one of the incidents even threatened to shoot a pregnant woman. after his surrender investigators searched his house and left with a boxful of evidence. investigators say cab has an extensive criminal record. mostly for narcotics and traffic violations. >> he was considered armed and dangerous. so he was a threat to our community and we are glad he was taken into custody. >>reporter: sheriff's department says cab is under arrest for 5 counts of armed
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robbery. live in redwood city, abc 7 news thank you lillian. developing news oakland. fatal shooting at fast-food restaurant. it happened at the kfc on 73 avenue and international boulevard just after 6 tonight. according to the oakland tribune the victim drove his car out of the drive through across international boulevard and into a building across the street. no one has been arrested and at this time a motive is still unknown but again fatal shooting at fast-food restaurant in oakland. now to another developing story. police started argue protestors that have been occupying president obama campaign headquarters in oakland tonight. this is sky 7 hb video of the scene outside the office earlier this evenin evening. 6 people including iraq war veteran olson have been holding a sit in at the office on 16th and telegraph avenue. may remember olson injured during occupy protest last october. protest trors demanding the release of bradley manning the u.s. serviceman who leaked close fight documents to
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far there has been no damage to the headquarters. several window broken there during a protest last month but again authorities have made some arrest there is tonight. late today the san francisco ethic commission upheld misconduct charges against suspended sheriff mirkarimi. panel heard weeks of testimony in order to determine mirkarimi fitness for office going forward mirkarimi and his wife lopez attend today time hearing at city hall. mayor ed lee wants to fire mirkarimi for misconduct because he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charge of false imprisonment. mirkarimi hoped for the best. >> process was cruel in the way it kept us apart for seven seven months. it has been back breaking every step of the way but we tried to endure. every step of the way. i can only hope that the real facts come out and that adjust and fair process is applied. >> panel deferred a decision on whether to recommend the board of supervisors remove mirkarimi from office. the board of
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supervisors must act within 30 days time. now outside city hall today during all of this a big spectacle as suspended sheriff supporters and detractor line up on opposite sides of the street. jonathan has that story. >>reporter: embattled sheriff in town and in the wild west of san francisco this is the clos closest you get to dual at high noon. rally scheduled for 12:00 o'clock. on one side anti-domestic violence group man who bruised his wife in an argument has no business being sheriff. >> mirkarimi is a perpetrator of domestic vichlts he shouldn't be representative of the city. ethic very in question. >>reporter: other side of the street the suspended sheriff supporters who say it has been blown out of proportion. >> where a man has caused physical injury to his wife how is that not domestic violence. >> as a woman that to me was not physical injury. i mean he grabbed her arm. she got a black and blue mark. maybe she bruises easily. about.
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>>reporter: when things started getting loud victims right advocate packed up and went inside leaving mirkarimi support investigators greet his wife lopez when she emerged from the ethic hearing calling the allegation a political witch hunt. >> this is using a bruise to destroy a political opponent? that is wrong. you can judge for yourself if i look like a victim. >>reporter: critic say she does. >> i think she's afraid of him. he threatened to take the son away from her. >> crime committed. he pled guilty. he was convicted. he's on 3 year probation. he's not fight serve. >>reporter: but supporters want him back at sheriff. >> this man has been punished enough. >> what was really something that the family could work on was blown up into a whole circumstance that you say you are seeing here. >>reporter: but with all the different voices weighing in on the debate the voices that matter most we haven't heard from. the board of supervisors will vote on whether he stay ors go and take 9 members of the 11 member board to remove him and so far on the advice of
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the city attorney nobody has said where they stand n.san francisco, abc 7 news. at least 2 people have died in separate incidents at yosemite national park. one man died and woman became seriously ill after contracting the virus rodent born skies apparently staying in curry village. 10-year-old boy killed, 6-year-old brother still missing and authorities fear the worst after being swept down the merced river at the falls foot bridge. tim daly tonight with more on the pwroungs. >>reporter: it is almost unfair to call this portion of the merced a river where the 2 boys were yesterday before slipping and being swept away. it's practically a water fall. >> this is a very, very steep and very rough river. there's a lot of water in it. even though the river is very low this time of the year, there's big boulder in it. it is probably the roughest portion of the merced river in yosemite valley. >>reporter: the brothers here with a church group from southern california were in a
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safe pool just above the fall foot bridge. but they slipped and were quickly swept under the bridge into an area of large rocks and swift water. visitor from maryland couldn't believe kids would think it was safe. >> kids will be kids. they are going to do crazy stuff. but wow! >>reporter: we found a young man from virginia in the exact same spot. he was told to get out. and he told us he gnaw what he was doing. >> i mean i could have fallen on the rocks but no. not any more dangerous than things i have done in the past. >>reporter: you know a couple kids lost their lives here yesterday. >> yes. >>reporter: you are that confident in your skills. >> yes i hope so. at least hoping get the best shot i can. >>reporter: fliers tell visitors there's a missing boy here so everyone is aware of the tragedy. should there be signs posted telling visitors this is potentially dangerous? the park says people need to be aware of what can go wrong. >> this is definitely a wild place. there are dangerous
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areas in the park this park is roughly about the size of rhode island. we can not station a a ranger at ever possible dangerous location throughout the park. >>reporter: tim daly reporting. now the victim of the virus contract entered yosemite as well alameda county man unidentified so far. also unidentified woman is seriously ill. we have more on that story. >>reporter: this time of year 510 cabin in curry village are sold out. thursday park officials reveal the popular destination is also the place deadly virus has been discovered. >> the one gentlemen that stay ins the cabin died unfortunately at the end of july due to the virus. the woman is recovering. there's about a 30 percent mortality rate with this. >>reporter: look inside the cabin shows the accommodation. simple shelter with wood floor that still provide a camp like experience. lisa works for the company contracted to manage and maintain the cabin.
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>> we are daily cleaning them. between the cleaning of the camp and check out we go through a deep he cleaning. all the cleaning practices have been reviewed by both national park service and the california department of health and they were very happy with how we are cleaning it. >>reporter: test taken from deer might droppings concluding the virus linked specifically to the cabin. this is the first fatality ever in yosemite linked to the virus. 2 cases reported from those staying in the cabin around the same time. >> both people male and female are not related not up here together staying in these cabi cabins. in mid june. they both left and both of them developed the hunt virus. >>reporter: campers not individually notified about the hunt virus here but there are notices being posted on bulletin boards in yosemite, abc 7 news. >> now since the virus first identified fewer than 20 years ago there have been 5 87 cases around the country. 60 in
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california and about a third of those have been fatal. quite serious. to reduce your chance of infection avoid rodent infested areas obviously. air out the living space. don't just stir up dust. more to bring you tonight. how do you move a bridge? >> we are going to be shifting approximately 35,000 tons of steel. >> very, very carefully. that's how. we have that story coming up. >> also one million bike a year stolen and tonight one man sting operation that got his bicycle back how you can stay one step ahead of a thief. >> i'm in the forecast center. clouds moisture headed our way and now once again there's a chance of a sprinkle. details in my accu-weather forecast coming up. >> also tonight. root root are the for the home team. people of petaluma cheer on the local entry in the little league /
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is. >> samsung waging battle over apple after patent right now and today the company made a major announcement right on an el -- apple home turf silicon valley planning to create more jobs in san jose in the next 2 year time. lee ann has the
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story. >> samsung employs 340 people in its semiconductor division in san jose. the south korean company now says it wants to increase its work force to 2000 over the next two years. is. >> we are now ready to prepare for the next generation by expanding our current facilit facilities here in san jose. >>reporter: it was an important announcement but one with few details. that's because while a memorandum of understanding was signed between california governor and one of samsung top executives, there are still details to be hammered out. details such as tax credit. according to the company those jobs will be in research and development. nancy klein is with san jose office of economic development. >> the opportunity to have a company that is already here continue to grow, at many jobs,
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add the opportunity for great products to be introduced, keep innovation going. >>reporter: san jose mayor reid. >> so just another evidence of innovation that drives our economy, tech sector drives it when they do well everybody does well. >>reporter: expansion will strengthen the state role as world lead interinnovation and gives san jose brag rights. >> it is a red letter day here for san jose. you have already captured our football team from san francisco. i don't know what else you want. >>reporter: samsung was very concerned about the high cost of living here in san jose and what it would have to pay employees. in fact the company was considering other cities in the united states including austin, texas. but in the end it decided to stay and expand. in san jose, abc 7 news. >> police have arrested suspected arsonist accused of starting a wildfire last wednesday in the palo alto foot
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hills. investigators believe 50-year-old lee loose set 5 small fires at the preserve which burned a total of 4 acre acres. he has been charged with felony arson. crew got the fire under control in an hour so they worked fast. nobody was hurt. and there were no structures damaged but he is facing arson charges. all right spencer is here. fire conditions sort of eased a bit. heat has come down. >> it hasn't been wide spread so fire conditions have eased and will continue to ease as we get towards the weekend because more moisture is in our direction. live view from the high definition camera at the golden gate bridge showing some of that afore mentioned moisture which is taking the form of fog right now. going through the golden gate and pushing its way across the bay locally. let's go to live doppler 7 hd and you can see that we have got quite a bit of fog along the coast line right now and pushing locally into some inland areas and right across the bay as well. but generally skies are clear i
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object land. how about hot spots today. high pressure of 102 at ukiah. 100 at clear lake. 98 at antioch. numerous other inland location at high in the 90's. so quite warm to hot in some inland spots today. but it's cooled down very nicely now. everywhere except antioch still very warm with current temperature reading of 81 degrees. 50's and 60's everywhere else in the bay area right now. these are our highlights. we see areas of fog around the coast bay tonight. high clouds spreading northward tomorrow and saturday but clouds will move out of here on sunday making way for sunny skies. overnight tonight with fog rather wide spread around the bay area. mild once again overnight with low pressure in the mid to upper 50's. atmosphere here's what is happening. water vapor satellite image shows upper level low that yesterday was pulling west ward away from the coast and now moving northward now. but it's counterclockwise circulation still having influence on our weather and weather to come. pulling up
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fresh batch of moisture sub tropical moisture from the remnant of whether was tropical storm hector. so how will this affect our weather in the next couple days, time line tomorrow morning and high clouds arriving and moisture moving in to the central sierra there. high clouds tip to move through on saturday and bringing us mainly cloudy day. moisture that flows though in sierra will fuel thunderstorms there for saturday afternoon. we don't really expect any rainfall here in the bay area from this moisture and approaching clouds but there could be a sprinkle overnight friday night into very early saturday morning mainly in the higher terrain in the north bay. tomorrow a sprinkle free day with partly cloudy skies in the south bay. high mainly in the low 80's. on peninsula mid upper 70's mainly. 77 at redwood city. low 60's on the coast. downtown san francisco high of 66 tomorrow. 62 sunset district. north bay mild to warm. mainly upper sfoys mid 80's in the nearest bay communities. we see mid upper 70's inland east bay a little
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warmer than that. upper 80's to low 90's. 92 at livermore and antioch and near monterey bay 77 at santa cruz. 75 at watsonville. 89 inland gilroy and morgan hill. accu-weather 7 day forecast it's further cooling on saturday as the skies become mostly cloudy then the clouds will be mainly out of here on sunday. warm back up to about 90 and warmest inland location and then we have the steady warm dry pattern all the way through most of next week. >> but once again there could be a sprinkle very early saturday morning mainly in the higher elevations in the the north bay. just a taste of fall to come. >> that's tonight thanks spencer very much. >> weighs continue tonight. big celebration as petaluma little league team wins game 1 in the world series. we tell you what is next. stay with us
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big news ! verizon wireless is teaming up with xfinity from comcast. now you get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless plus a great offer. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and you'll get up to a $300 visa prepaid card by mail. verizon wireless and xfinity. it's tv, home phone, internet and wireless.
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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>> facebook stock closed at all time low today. shares of the peedia giant plunged down 6 percent of the valley finishing the day at 19.87 a share. previous low was just over 20 dollars. now today big drop came on this first day that early investors could sell their shares. more than 2 70 million shares became eligible for sale. stock lost nearly half of the original value of 38 dollars since its initial public offering back in may. well, there is a serious case of world series fever in the north bay community of petaluma tonight and with very good reason. they are in a it big time. not the big league world series. other one. as wayne explains in petaluma the little league world series is the only one that counts. >>reporter: if you went looking for boys of summer you look for the tv news truck and
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the movie theater with long lines and the nervous airports like rachel brand. >> i feel in like a celebrity. >> everywhere i go, everybody knows. they see me on tv. i could hardly even go to the grocery store the other day. >>reporter: because her son has gone here on to the wide screen live by satellite from williams port, pennsylvania playing in the little league world series. it is petaluma on national stage. 500 people showed up to watch and donate money today. >> every kid plays baseball. everybody wants to be in the world series. vicariously we are living through the kid. >>reporter: and oh. working on cars. >> i should be but we are enjoying the game. >>reporter: petaluma enjoying the moment in the lime light. city so proud of its team that boosters have raised 70,000 dollars to send back all of the families. just today the boulevard theater donated 15 dollars a seat times 500 peopl people. >> when occur how many players are involved in little league. how many children. over 2 and
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half million worldwide. we have 13 of them and they are there. >>reporter: it brought the city together. the family closer. even the ones with sibling rivalry whose brother is porter. >> i don't get along with him. >>reporter: when he comes to bat do you root for him any wa way. >> i guess, yes. [applause]. >>reporter: that ace good idea because based on today performance the boys from petaluma may have staying power. star power too. so now that they have won the next game sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. if you can't make it back here to the boulevard theatre to watch it don't worry, we have it on abc 7. from petaluma, wayne freedman abc 7 news. >> go team. coming up. defying the flames. we continue. house. fires. forgot. vick lee tonight on the latest attack at napa state hospital. the personal safety did he vases are proving to be a hazard. >> deadly helicopter crash in afghanistan kills u.s. troops.
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is the taliban responsible? stay with us. another half stay with us. another half hour of news
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>> good evening once again thanks for being here. it happened just like workers at nap state hospital predicted it might. a violent patient tried to choke a staffer last night using the worker new emergency alarm. that's just two days after those controversial alarms were put into place. vick lee explains what happened. >> we believe that it's a dangerous tool. can be used as a weapon. >>reporter: recreational therapist and union stewart zack is referring to this. a high tech wireless alarm that a was just activate $2 days ago
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here at nap state hospital. last night a violent patient tried to strangle a worker with it. >> the patient grabbed the lanyard from behind and started choking him with it. >>reporter: workers wear the emergency alarm on lanyard around their neck. activated when the staffer pulls on them. on tuesday abc 7 news was invited into the hospital to the make shift command center where technician showed us exclusively how it works. the alarm transmit signal displaying the worker location to the hospital police office and to other workers nearby. staffer we spoke to say they like the alarm system. but not the lanyard. last night the patient punched the psych. tech. in the face and grabbed his lanyard from behind like this. >> staff member sitting downed and the individual was able to sort of lift up on the lanyard to provide leverage and pull it against the person's neck like that. >>reporter: andy is the psychologist would witnessed the attack. he said when the
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alarm sounded, workers rushed to the staffer. the hospital tells us the system worked. the patient grabbed the employee lanyard and it broke off as designed. lanyard has this safety break away device in the back that splits in two. if enough pressure is applied. did he advice did break. but:00 kneel says the attacker then grabbed the 2 ends. >> if you grab like this it's like a professional choking device kind of thing patient was pulling. >>reporter: assemblyman allen represents nap a.he's a former psych. tech. >> i'm telling administration don't wear them if they don't want to. oral tern difference. >>reporter: like this. alarm that clips on to your belt a.system that the hospital is currently testing. the hospital told us late this afternoon they are expanding a pilot program that is testing those belt club. -- clip. they say they make those alarm available to more staffer
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medley. vick lee, abc 7 news. >> across the west at least 60 large fires are burning through 14 states including 11 new fires overnight. at the worst of them in warning ton. good news as firefighters got a chunk of it under control. despite 70 homes lost some amazingly close calls. few would bet this home would survive. this picture showing the same home surrounded by burned land yet seemingly untouched. how could that happen? good clue is the metal roof. one of the single most important factors that wild land firefighters will tell you keeps homes from burning. the roof. other factor dry brush and other materials cleared away from the home. something we are warned about here in california all the time. well as you probably will know maybe it happened to you bikes are stolen every day. in san francisco the police department is now posting pictures of bicycle recovered
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from people who stole them. in june somebody cut through the front spwrabs of a church in the city to steal a 10,000 dollar bike from a special olympians afternoon. remember we 0reported that to you. add to go the flies theft a tool that can cut through the toughest of lock in just seconds. sharon tonight on how some bike owners are now fighting back. >> this is a fuji team bicycle. originally cost me 2 grand. >>reporter: when jake spotted his stolen bike sold on line, he decided to confront the seller. >> this is seattle. >>reporter: friends in tow camera rolling. >> you are under citizen arres arrest. stop rate now. stop. stop. stop. >>reporter: police swooped in and made the arrest. >> i think that it's a lesson for thieves that they need to be afraid of people like me. >>reporter: others chase down bike thieves too. watch these office workers tackle this guy. they got the bike back. but police warn being a vigilante is a bad idea. being vigilant
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about locking up your bike a better one. >> well this one lost one wheel. >>reporter: we hit the street with a legendary bike mechanic in new york city. >> thieves look like cyclist. helmet on the head. messenger bag. well dressed. >>reporter: and they have a secret weapon. >> this is an angle grinder. >>reporter: this is an expensive top rated steel bike lock. >> done. >> that was like 2 seconds. >> exactly. >>reporter: professional thieves swap stolen bike with thieves in other city so they can easily sell them. he says there are things you can do to protect yourself from an amateur thief. >> make sure the pole is securely in the ground. a lot of the pole you lift off to get the pole out of the way then take the bike home with you. rear wheel locked up front wheel is locked up. anti-theft thing. very difficult to take off the wheel. >>reporter: but nothing is
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foolproof. watch this. unable to break the lock of this bike attached to a tree, these guys just chop the tree down. abc news, new york. >> just incredible. coming up. gas money. airline asks its passengers to help pay for fue fuel. band of brothers sweet story about the reunion of 2 guerrilla what do you think of this one? really?
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>> over seas to stark reminder that the united states is still very much a country at war. u.s. blackhawk helicopter crashed in afghanistan kandahar province killing everyone on board. 7 u.s. troops, 3 afghan supporters and an interpreter. we have more from washington. >> this was a special operation
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mission. with two navy seals. navy engines please i have expert. and 3 afghan forces flying in northern kandahar. afghan interpreter alongside. the blackhawk one of 2 on the mission went down in the rugged terrain around 10:30 this morning. landing in flames and badly mangled. as soon as it was down, enemy forces headed for the crash site. but they were fired on by another u.s. helicopter. u.s. team then moved in on the ground to recover the bodies and begin the investigation. taliban claimed they shot it down. they know how vital who want remembers to america mission in afghanistan given the mountainous terrain. it was just last year that a chin nook helicopter was hit by a rocket propelled grenade killing 30 americans including 22 from a navy seal unit. >> rocket, r p g, all of those type of weapons really can get
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at a helicopter. they have good defense on board but they are not perfect. >>reporter: the marine corps told marines the increase in violence is a sign that the u.s. is winning in southern afghanistan. but with 18 u.s. death in 10 days, it probably doesn't feel like that. to some u.s. forces. this is abc news, washington. suicide in the military are on the rise. army says 26 active duty soldiers kild kill themselves in july compared to 12 in june and 16 in may. now this the is an acceleration of a trend across the military. pentagon leaders stepping up the search for solutions to a problem that has clearly worsened as the pace of combat has increased. >> strike at south african platinum mine led to shoot out between police and workers. police told the strike investigators leave and they marched to the mine. police first used a water cannon then stun grenade and tear gas to break up the crowd. then min
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miners rushed to police who opened fire. about [ yelling]. >> 18 people may dead. strikers gather at the mine after days of unrest before today 10 people had tied in violent clashes over this ongoing labor dispute. well, you never know when you might be hit up for money. even your airline can be seclude. air france flight diverted from beruit to today masses cuss because of unrest. air france needed to refuel but officials denied the credit card because of financial sanction that is have been slapped on syria. so the crew turned to passengers and asked them to chip in to pay for the gas. the money was returned after the situation was somehow resolved. reminder tonight of just how similar we are to some animals especially gorilla when 2 brother rae united this week
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after years apart they began hugging and horsing around much like people would have. the story tonight from dan harris. >> they may brothers but they had been separated for nearly three years at different zoo so when it was time for them to be reunited the fear was they wouldn't know one another and start fighting. but look at this. instant recognition. bear hug. and then a little brotherly horse play. the posture universal signal for for man i haven't seen new year's. give me a hug. >> they recognize each other is just like 2 family members joining together. it's really wonderful to see. >>reporter: after the 3 year absence, the plan now is for them to live out their days together. dan harris abc news, new york. >> brothers reunited. challenging new milestone for cal-trans tonight. up next. flurry of activity that you can flurry of activity that you can expect to see as they suspend
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>> this sunday abc 7 news anchor cheryl jennings my colleague at 5 reports on bay area organization that sends children with life threatening or life altering conditions to camp. special is called just like me. it features the taylor family foundation camp in livermore where heroic camper struggling with health issues are able to set aside their fear and make friends with kids just like them. you can see cheryl's report just like me over on abc 7 sunday at 6:30 p.m. well worth checking out. some major heavy lifting business to begin on the new bay bridge. crews are in the process of moving the 35,000 ton bridge on to its cable. we
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got the water level view of the progress on the bridge from a cal-trans boat this afternoon. in just over a year traffic between the east bay and san francisco will be traveling this span. mark matthews is here fwhit a closer look at what is being done. >>reporter: this part of the bay bridge is a self anchoring suspension spachbility largest in the world. cables anchored at one end. run over the top of the central tower and then instead of anchoring on the other side they wrap around the end of the span and come back over the tower and are anchored on the same side where they started. that work already happened. and the 200 steel suspenders put in place. what is under way now is the tricky job of transferring the weight of the bridge from the temporary under carriage to those steel suspenders. >> we are going to be shifting approximately 35,000 plus 200 tons of steel. that 35,000 ton number is almost 5 ivl towers.
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>>reporter: bay bridge spokesman says it's the biggest lift by far in the bridge construction. >> basically the operation is going to be pulling that main cable into place and lifting the bridge up. >>reporter: first phase will be to attach about half of the suspenders. pulling them down with dual 400 ton jack and attaching them. while that is happening the road bed will be lifted as much as 3 feet off the temporary supports. as the load is transferred to the cables on the west side, the main cable will be pulled into its permanent position. main cable will move as much as 10 meters over the next month and a half. 8 different crew will work simultaneously over the next three months to shift the entire load. >> that means a lot of potential for tools to fall and that type of thing. want to keep people safe. don't go under this bridge. while we are doing this work. >>reporter: 7 news. >> all right. you can keep track of the progress of the
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bay bridge construction. this is a live look on the cal-trans construction cam set up to give you a closer look at the work being done. pretty remarkable image in the fog there tonight. check them out go to our web site and click on see it on tv. in about a year we should be driving across the span. spencer is back. talking during the piece that spencer about how remarkable it is. we take it for granted but what we can build is truly mind boggling. >> can't wait to see the finished work. take a look at the time lapse view. beautiful afternoon this afternoon looking from high definition view the camera out over san francisco the fog just roaring over the city out over the bay. didn't get very par during the afternoon hours but moving inland tonight. tomorrow state wide hot day in the interior section. chico 98. sacramento 97. 89 los angeles and here in the bay area another warm day with our summer spread high of only 60 pacifica. 73 across the bay at oakland to 93 inland
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at brentwood and typical 30 degree plus range of temperature high from the bay to the -- from the coast to our inland location. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. cool air on saturday as sky will be mostly cloudy. sub tropical moisture moving through the bay area. skies will clear out sunny up on sunday. 90 inland location and nasty warm week ahead. >> like it warm but not hot. that's better. >> right in the comfort zone. >> thanks very much. larry here with all the sports tonight. we are following the best stories we have heard in a while. >> this is just pure fun. >> right. >> we will introduce you to the big cat of petaluma. stepped on to the big stage today. the petaluma nationals debut in
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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>> coming up tonight at 11:00 o'clock. san francisco parking supervisor accused of maceing drivers. road rage. and assault. we investigate how he could still be on the job?
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>> also invasion like something out of an alien movie this picture. millions of aggressive mosquitos on the move on the peninsula. what is going on. those stories and more coming up at 11:00 o'clock over on channel 7. sports director larry is here. it's fun to have such a positive story to tell. >> big cat. legend of the big cat. 66 years for sonoma county team to reach the little league world series. now that they are in williams port they want to stay a little while. petaluma won the opener against fairfield, connecticut. oh, you get the popcorn ready. kids from petaluma put on a show today. here's the big cat. bradley smith. 6 feet three inches tall. 1st inning puts petaluma up with a double to left. more from the big cat. in the third. hold of one off the top of the wall. that ace 2 run shot. smith 4 for 4. 3 rbi. not bad for 13-year-old. this is scary. white on the mound. hit. ryan
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in the face. murray leave the game. he is okay. shaken up. petaluma up bay run in the sixth. danny puts it out of reach. run scoring single. petaluma. wins it 6-4. and they move on to face tennessee in the next round. you can watch the next game for petaluma sunday at 11:00 a.m. here on abc 7 news. >> first game in the mainly win tonight. a hope first of many l for the minor league strike out king. take on the royals in kc. how about kansas city barbecue. trailing in third start for the a. 6 and a third struck out 2. jeff swing gone right there. a's flashing some leather. throw wide but look at cliff make the tag on chris. get out. scoreless until the sixth. big fly. did that go snout first they call it a double. upon further rae view that's a home run. cocoa 6. one nothing a then many the
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party belting the 15th of the year. a's victorious 3 to nothing. the first major league victory. dodgers going for the sweep at mits burg things testy. 3 run bomb in the first. had he 2 homer in the game. temper boil over in the second. >> manager and outfielder kemp tossed for yelling at the home plate ump. that was just the beginning. former a's pitcher not happy ejected. in the sixth burnett strike out ramirez and slam the bat at home plate. choice words. then burnett says why don't you just sit down. dodgers lose their cool as well as the game 10-6. giants l idle tonight now half game back. cal football team got a look at the new palace. practice on the field first time in their newly renovated memorial stadium. before the project cal had some of the worst facilities in the pack 12. this new home 3-21 million dollar stadium. new
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turf. seats. concession stand. walkway. everything. construction crew get set for season opener september 1st against nevada. >> came out here got goose bum bump. this is our house chant. doing it with a lot of excitement. but it's better out here. cleaner seat. nice dmroing stadium. >> stadium it's beautiful and i appreciate everyone hard work to get it here but still comes down to what goes on between the lines. >>reporter: warrior guard curry held a session with the media today. note worthy because of the agenda. he wants everybody to know he will be ready to go when training camp starts in 5 weeks. at practice in the facility. work it out. 5 months since he last rolled that right ankle. his theory for the problems with the ankle not enough rest between injuries. he had surgery on that ankle in april. last 4 months have been
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concentrating on only one they think and that is his rehab. >> take a step by step by step wins i get to the season i'm not think about my ankle. can't really so what is going to happen but i think going into it i'll be 100 percent free and clear of any kind of doubt about my ankle. >>reporter: warrior from rose an to whitney houston we have heard a lot of different versions of the national anthem but nothing like this. from the red bull racing formula 1 show car in new york liberty park. listen. about. >> i hate it when a car does that. >> i don't know how they do that but it's pretty cool. >> it's not fuel efficient that's the problem. pretty impressive. that is. >> i have never seen that
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before larry thanks you. that's this edition of 7 news. thanks for watching. thanks for watching. appreciate your time. see ♪ butt, butt, butt ♪ open up the time capsule ♪ butt, butt, butt ♪ open up the time capsule - frank: what are you doing? - ♪ butt, butt, butt i could watch him do that for hours. ♪ open up the time capsule (laughter) what is the time capsule butt-butt? we're about to open this time capsule that we buried ten years ago. - oh. - yeah. (grunts) what'd you put in there? oh, man, we just put a bunch of stuff in here that we thought would be valuable one day, like, uh, let's see, we got a gregg jeffries baseball card. future all-star, future all-star. - it wasn't valuable then. - uh, we got a korn cd. uh, we got a copy of cider house rules on laser disc. don't know why we thought that would be valuable. that's a collector's item. that's gonna be very-- be very careful with that. oh, my god, you guys, this is a letter to my future self.


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